Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/21/2023 - 5:00 PM
Type: Info
Subject: Citizen Comments on Agenda Items
1. Travis McKinney - Virginia Freedom of Information Act, Chapter 37, Code of Virginia
2. Anita Fisher - Access of Single Bathrooms
3. Janet McKinney - Minutes of the August 2023 Suffolk School Board Meeting
4. Patricia Holloman - School Boards Transgender Policy
5. Cyndi Petrich - Superintendent's Proposed Policy
6. Christella Williams - Trans Related Issues
7. Harrison Storms - Objection to the 2023 VDOE Model Policy On Transgender Students
8. Derrick Grant - Model Policy
9. Carly Bosco - Personnel Report and Resolution 23/24-14
10. Kirstyn Oneill - Protecting Our Transgender Kids and How The Policy Is A Great Step
In The Right Direction
11. Joella Barone - The Superintendent's Transgender Policy Recommendations
12. Theresa Anderson - Transgender Policy, VDOE Model Policy Review Committee,
Student Well Being
Strategic Plan - Priority Focus Areas:
File Attachment:
Summary: During this time on the agenda, citizen comments regarding agenda items are welcomed by the School Board. In accordance with School Board Policy, citizens must notify the clerk of their intent to speak no later than 12:00 noon on the Wednesday preceding the day of the regular School Board meeting. Citizens must observe the maximum five minute time limit for comments.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. John Gordon III - Superintendent