Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 11/9/2023 - 5:00 PM
Type: Info
Subject: Citizen Comments on Agenda Items
1. Daniel Holloman - Proposed Transgender Policy
2. Patricia Holloman - Proposed Transgender Policy
3. Nathaniel Holloman - Transgender Policy
4. Lauren Havener - Model Policy
5. Gloria Havener - Model Policy
6. Chris Durette - Ordinance 23/24-14 (Unfinished Business)
7. Russell Chappell - Why You Should Not Vote for the Transgender Policy
8. Teresa Anderson - Transgender Policy
9. Janet McKinney - Correction to the October Minutes; Dysfunction of the School Board
10. Danielle Raynor - Communication (Model Policy)
11. Matthew Hintlian - Transgender Policy
12. Keith Webb - Concerns with Revisions Proposed Transgender Policy
13. James Peele - Transgender School Policy
14. Angela Kilgore - Policies, Actions of the Board, Prayer
15. Christine Santsaver - Why You Should Not Vote for the Transgender Policy
Strategic Plan - Priority Focus Areas:
File Attachment:
Summary: During this time on the agenda, citizen comments regarding agenda items are welcomed by the School Board. In accordance with School Board Policy, citizens must notify the clerk of their intent to speak no later than 12:00 noon on the Wednesday preceding the day of the regular School Board meeting. Citizens must observe the maximum five minute time limit for comments.
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Signed By:
Dr. John Gordon III - Superintendent