Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/13/2024 - 5:00 PM
Type: Info
Subject: Good News Report: a. Nansemond River HS Engineering & Lakeland HS Biomedical Sciences Receive National Recognition from Project Lead The Way for their Commitment to Empowering Students b. Col. Fred Cherry Middle School Music Department Receives the VMEA Blue Ribbon School Recognition c. SPS STEM Leads Complete the STEAM Lead Training Program d. LHS Jazz Ensemble Receives A SUPERIOR Rating at the Orchestra Directors Association Jazz Assessment e. Winners of the 2024 High School Art Competition f. KFHS Student, Maurice Hunt, Selected to Participate in the I’m Determined Youth and Family Summit 2024 g. Woodsman Life Awards h. Congratulation to our Middle School Sports Champions i. Southeastern Virginia Environmental Education SEVEE Consortium j. Suffolk Public Schools Receives the Bronze Trailblazer Award from the United Way of South Hampton Roads k. CTE Competitive Innovative Program Equipment Grant l. May Teacher Spotlight
Strategic Plan - Priority Focus Areas:
File Attachment:
FINAL - June 13, 2024 Good News Report.pdf
Summary: Good News Report
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. John Gordon III - Superintendent